
Living in the Spirit: Drawing Us to God Sending Us to the World is unavailable, but you can change that!

Don’t be content with memories of past encounters with the Spirit. You can walk in the fullness of God today. This collection of perspectives from General Superintendent George Wood reaffirms the truths, values, and commitment that inspired our Pentecostal forefathers with penetrating insight and practical instruction for living in the Spirit today. With a faithfulness to our Fellowship’s...

“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”10 This is different from Acts 2:4. In Acts 4, the church was facing persecution for the first time. They needed more of God than they had ever received of Him before. So, those who had been filled with the Spirit in Acts 2 are described as again being filled with the Spirit in Acts 4. We should never take a view of the Holy Spirit that once we are baptized
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